Participating in a Raid
So, you've done all the things, and now you find yourself in an Unhinged raid. Let's make sure you make a name for yourself (in a good way).
Being in voice is required for participation in almost any raid. There will be times when the raid leader explicitly states, "you do not need to be in voice tonight", and these moments are the only time in which it's okay to skip joining the voice channel.
Being in voice is required so that you can listen. Directions will be given in voice, not text. It's critical, if you want to be a successful member of the raid team and be invited back, to follow directions; hence the requirement to be in voice.
Communicating the right way
Use raid chat
By default, use /raid chat. In a raiding environment there's typically 20+ people. If everyone blurts out whatever comes to mind, it'll be a soup of chaotic crosstalk, and nobody will know what the hell is going on. We promise, you can have a very good time while keeping shenanigans to text chat - and it'll become 2nd nature to goof off in text while being serious & disciplined in voice.
Use voice for emergencies and downtime
If there's an emergency, it's fine and desirable that you call it out in voice. There will also be downtime during which time it's fine (and encouraged) to socialize and chit-chat... but when the pace picks up again, be sure to revert quickly back to raid chat. Don't worry, it'll become 2nd nature soon enough! Raid leaders may nudge you one way or the other to help you figure it out - don't take it personal! We all have a common goal of successful and fun raids.
Read the room
A standing rule in Unhinged Gaming is the call to read the room, and it applies to raiding too. If you have trouble reading the room, we encourage you to find resources that may you help with it. It's an important skill and one that will help you in all aspects of life!
Follow your assignments
Raid leaders will assign you to various tasks before and during the raid. Be sure to know your assignments. If you don't know them, find them. If you cannot find them, ask in raid chat, or ping a class lead, or if all else fails, the raid lead. Examples of tasks include: "keep alpha on tank 2", "interrupt X on boss Y", "keep A dispelled from tank on boss Z", and etc. These assignments are absolutely critical to raid success and just doing them is paramount to making a good name for yourself.
Loot the damn dogs
Seriously. Loot the dogs.
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