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Discipline and Ranks

Luminis Corp: Reprimand and Loss of Rank Guidelines

Introduction: At Luminis Corp, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism, cooperation, and performance. Our rank structure ensures that every member understands their responsibilities and expectations. To maintain a respectful, efficient, and productive environment, we have established a system for addressing breaches of conduct or performance issues. This guide outlines the protocol for reprimands and loss of rank within the Luminis Corp structure.

1. Categories of Offenses

Minor Offenses:

  • Examples:
    • Repeated tardiness to meetings or operations.
    • Failure to follow established communication protocols.
    • Inconsistent participation or failure to contribute to team activities.
    • Minor lapses in professionalism or conduct.
  • Reprimand Actions:
    • Verbal warning (Private conversation).
    • Written warning (For repeat offenses or lack of improvement).
    • Additional training or mentorship if necessary.

Moderate Offenses:

  • Examples:
    • Failure to follow direct orders or operational standards.
    • Disruptive behavior during operations (e.g., inappropriate chat, undermining leadership).
    • Breach of security or sensitive information protocols.
    • Insubordination or failure to complete duties without valid reason.
  • Reprimand Actions:
    • Formal written reprimand.
    • Temporary suspension from operations or leadership duties.
    • Requirement for additional training or an operational review.

Severe Offenses:

  • Examples:
    • Repeated violations of the Luminis Corp code of conduct.
    • Intentional sabotage or disruption of operations.
    • Gross insubordination or refusal to follow chain of command.
    • Engaging in or encouraging toxic behavior or harassment.
    • Dishonesty, fraud, or actions damaging to the integrity of the corp.
  • Reprimand Actions:
    • Immediate suspension from leadership roles.
    • Demotion in rank or removal from leadership.
    • Permanent expulsion from Luminis Corp (based on severity and impact).

2. Loss of Rank Protocol

Criteria for Demotion: Demotion can result from:

  • Consistent failure to meet operational goals.
  • Failure to improve after multiple reprimands or training interventions.
  • Severe breaches of conduct.
  • Repeated failure to lead or support subordinates (for leaders).
  • Disrespecting the chain of command.

Process for Demotion:

  1. Investigation: A thorough investigation will be conducted to understand the issue. Evidence and testimonies will be collected.
  2. Warning or Counseling: Before demotion, the member will be given an opportunity to explain their actions and receive feedback.
  3. Decision: After reviewing all factors, leadership will decide on the appropriate action (demotion or further measures).
  4. Notification and Explanation: The individual will be formally notified, and the reasons for demotion will be explained.

3. Appeals Process

If a member believes a reprimand or demotion is unjust:

  • Step 1: Appeal Request: The member has 48 hours to submit an appeal.
  • Step 2: Review by a Council: A council of senior officers will review the appeal, considering additional evidence or context.
  • Step 3: Decision: The council will make a final decision based on the facts presented.
  • Step 4: Finality: The appeal decision is final. Further infractions may lead to more severe actions.

4. Reinstatement and Rebuilding Trust

For Demoted Members:

  • Rebuilding Trust: Demoted members are encouraged to improve through training and demonstrate growth.
  • Monitoring Progress: There will be a probation period during which improvement will be monitored.
  • Opportunities for Promotion: If improvements are shown, the member may be considered for promotion or reinstatement.

For Expelled Members:

  • Expelled members may reapply after a waiting period (e.g., six months). Reapplication will only be considered if the individual demonstrates significant growth and commitment to Luminis Corp's values.

5. Responsibilities of Leadership in Reprimands and Demotions

Leaders must:

  • Be consistent and fair in applying reprimands and demotions.
  • Communicate clearly about expectations, consequences, and reasons for decisions.
  • Act as mentors to guide members back to positive behavior.
  • Document all reprimands and demotions for record-keeping.

6. Reporting Infractions Upwards

Process for Reporting Infractions:

All members are responsible for reporting infractions or misconduct. These can include breaches of conduct, failure to meet operational standards, or unethical behavior.

  • Step 1: Informing Immediate Supervisor: Members should first report the infraction to their direct supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable or the issue involves them directly, members can escalate to the next available leader.

  • Step 2: Submitting a Formal Report: If the issue is serious, or the member feels the supervisor is unable or unwilling to handle the infraction, a formal report should be submitted to senior leadership (e.g., Head of Department, Chief Officer).

  • Step 3: Leadership Review: Senior leadership will evaluate the reported issue and determine whether an investigation is necessary. If the report involves an officer, senior leadership may assign an independent committee to conduct the review.

7. Roles and Responsibilities for Handling Demerits and Demotions

  • Entry-Level Members

    • Responsibilities: Minor infractions may be addressed by immediate supervisors or team leads with verbal warnings or additional mentorship.
    • Demerit Authority: Supervisors or team leads.
    • Demotion Authority: Mid-Level Officers.
  • Mid-Level Officers

    • Responsibilities: Can issue written reprimands or temporary suspensions for moderate offenses. They are responsible for addressing minor infractions within their teams and escalating more severe cases.
    • Demerit Authority: Supervisors
    • Demotion Authority: Senior Officers or Command for severe offenses.
  • Senior-Level Officers

    • Responsibilities: Senior Officers are responsible for overseeing teams of Mid-Level Officers and ensuring all members adhere to conduct standards. They are involved in decision-making for moderate and severe offenses, issuing warnings or suspensions when necessary.
    • Demerit Authority: Senior Officers may issue formal reprimands or implement training measures.
    • Demotion Authority: Senior Officers, with input from Command for severe offenses.
  • Command-Level

    • Responsibilities: Command-level officers handle the most severe cases of misconduct or performance failure. They are responsible for overseeing major decisions regarding suspensions, demotions, and expulsions.
    • Demerit Authority: Command may intervene in extreme cases but primarily oversees the overall process.
    • Demotion Authority: Command has the ultimate authority to demote or expel members based on the severity of the infraction.


The Luminis Corp reprimand and loss of rank guidelines are designed to promote professionalism, teamwork, and excellence. By holding ourselves accountable, we ensure the success of the organization and provide every member the opportunity to thrive. These protocols are essential in maintaining a positive, efficient, and effective environment for all.