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Intro & Concept


Unhinged Gaming will be a PVX Hardcore Guild. As a guild we will be pushing every aspect of the game and excellence will be the standard in all that we do. We will command the respect of our enemies and hold each other accountable as we understand the value of our motto 1 Guild, 1 Goal. While the guild will seek the best players to fill its ranks, Ashes of Creation will be unique and the more casual player will also find refuge here. We understand life outside of this game happens and we want to be able to adapt to that while not sacrificing the strength of the guild. We believe we need both player types to be truly successful. We will cater to a Mature audience and will require 18+ Membership with special consideration given to younger members. If a younger person would like to join the guild and is amenable to our rules and standards they may be granted entry. If this becomes a point of contention we will go to +18 without hesitation.

Core Concept

Every member here has a say. The highest member is just as accountable as the player that joined 10 minutes ago. You will hear me say this over and over and I hope you buy into our motto of 1 Guild, 1 Goal. This goal is not the goal of any one person but the guild as a whole. We will depend on one another to achieve every objective we set our collective mind to. The elite pvp guy is no more or less important than the guy chopping down trees. With Unhinged Gaming every action will be tracked so everyone will get credit for what they put into the guild and a reward system will make it worth your contributions.The only limiting factor of your success within this guild will be your own efforts. If you trust in this process and work towards the collective goals we will all prosper together.