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Acquiring Loot

Unhinged keeps looting simple and aims to simply acquire more of it so that it's not a big deal. Do your part, and don't make it one.

Loot rules

Soft reserves

Unhinged uses soft reserves as its primary method of distributing loot. The way this works in summary is:

  1. Each raider lists a certain number of items each raid that they are "soft reserving"
  2. When an item drops, if anyone has it soft reserved, only people that have it soft reserved may  /roll  on it.
  3. Otherwise, anyone may roll on the item, and it's handed out to mainspec over offspec (MS > OS)

Soft reserves are entered into before the start of each raid. Each raid gets its own unique link. You can find that link in the raid signup:


And in the roster announcements:


Notice the link in the row of links below the signed up or slotted raiders in each image.

Entering a soft reserve

Follow the link from the event and click the big blue button:


This iswill reveal the Soft-reserve pane. Be sure to enter your character name exactly as it will appear in raid:


Note: if you've done this before you'll likely have a button under the Name field that you can click, select your character, and have the whole character form filled out automatically for you.

If you have not done this before, you'll need to fill out your character name, class, and spec. Then, you can choose your soft reseves by clicking on the Soft-reserve: 0 of X field:


Assign one or more soft reserves to the items you want, up to the limit of soft reserves.

Soft reserving the same item multiple times

You can soft reserve one item more than once. When you do this, if the item drops, you will get a number of rolls on it equal to the number of soft reserves you placed on that item. This will increase your odds of winning that item, at the expense of having fewer items soft reserved.

Plus 1s

In addition to soft reserves, we also employ a +1 mechanic for those who win a piece of tier gear without soft reserving it. Any time tier gear is rolled on (without soft reserves present) it will go to the highest roll with the lowest number of +1s. This helps distribute tier gear more evenly. Again, this only applies to tier gear, and only to pieces that had no soft reserves on them.  

Hard reserves

Some items will be hard reserved. This could be for one of many reasons such as scarcity (legendaries, for example), a guild need (we need to quickly gear up a critical role for some reason), or outstanding performance (to reward a member for something amazing) ... to name just a few reasons. Hard reserves will be blocked off so that you cannot soft reserve them. If you have already soft reserved the item in question, a raid leader will prompt you to soft reserve something else. 

Pay attention

The loot master will be distributing much of the loot while we are clearing. We do this to keep the pace of the raid up, and to get people to bed at a decent hour. Items being rolled on will be posted as a big loud raid warning. If you miss it, it'll be tough luck, unfortunately. 

Receiving the item

Once you've won an item, depending on how the loot master is distributing loot at the time, you'll either automatically receive the item, or you'll need to trade with the loot master. You should receive a whisper in the latter case. 

Congratulations on your loot!!!